Career Night

Are you also faced with the fact that you have no idea what you can do after this study? Come to the Career Night then!

The 20th of March we have invited some professionals to speak at the career night and tell us all about their schoolcareer, job and future goals. Come by to see what kind of careers you could have after graduating!

The night will start at 7:00 pm with a welcoming drink. Then there will be 4 speakers with a break in the middle. Afterwards there will be a drinks and snacks. This is a perfect opportunity to asks all your questions and talk some more with fellow students and the professionals. Both members and non members are welcome! We hope to see you there!

Time: Wednesday 20 March, 19:00-22:30
Price: Free
Location: Forum, C0221

Featured speakers

Marousha van Well & Amber Buynzeel: Participation and communication advisor at Maatschap voor communicatie

Arjan de Groot: Process professional in healthcare at EIFFEL

Thirza Andriessen: PhD candidate WUR, Understanding dignity of food aid receivers in Europe

We Care to DisGover: Traineeship in developing healthcare innovators at We Care to DisGover