
As a member of Apollo, you have the possibility to be active within the association by joining a committee. Committees usually organise one activity per period and have meetings once a week.

Why should you join a committee?

  • You get to know new people and expand your network; together you are working on a close and active association
  • You gain new experiences
  • Personal development; you learn things like organising, working together and making plans, which can help you further on in your study or job
  • You can get in contact with companies
  • Addition to your resume
  • And it is so much fun!

Because Apollo is still young, we only have 7 committees right now. These are the First Years Committee, Masters Committee, Axie, FoodCie, Lexie, GalaCie and the SponsorCie. If you want to join one of the committees or  if you have any good ideas, let us know! If you are interested or if you’ve got questions or recommendations, please contact or fill in this form below! If you want to know more about our Lustrum Committee, click here.


(English Below)

Als je al bij een commissie zit en iets wil declareren wat je hebt voorgeschoten voor Apollo, kan je deze Google Forms invullen en zal je binnen een week je geld terug krijgen. Dit is de enige manier om het geld te declareren, dus het heeft geen zin om je bonnetje naar ons te Whatsappen of te mailen. Als je vragen hebt kan je altijd mailen naar

Claiming expenses

If you are already a member of a committee and you paid for things for Apollo, we want to reimburse this amount. We can do that if you fill in the following Google Forms. This is the only way to get your money back, it is pointless to also mail or Whatsapp your receipt to us. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to


Are you someone who loves to bring people together and create memorable experiences? Well, you’re exactly who we’re looking for! Here at Apollo, our Axie committee, is all about organizing a diverse range of fun activities for our members.

From adrenaline- pumping sports events to brain- teasing pub quizzes, and relaxed drinks sessions where friendships are forged, there’s something for everyone. Joining our committee means shaping Apollo’s social scene, gaining valuable skills, and making lasting friendships. Whether you’re experienced or just enthusiastic, we welcome you!

Ready to embark on this journey with us? Have questions? Reach out to our Axie at


Organizes activities with food! Think of cozy lunches, bitterballen bingo and much more. With question or ideas, you can mail to

The FoodCie created a cookbook with all the members with easy and delicious recipes for your student life!


Organizes lectures and excursions. These activities are all study related. Examples are a lecture from someone from the workfield of health and society or an excursion to a company you could work after graduating. You can always contact the LexCie by mailing to


Together with the Commissioner of External Affairs, the sponsorcie is looking for interesting partnerships with companies in our range of expertise. In this way Apollo can contribute to the development of all members by helping them to get in touch with these companies. We find partnerships by looking for potential new partners and initiating and maintaining contact with them. Do you want to work on your networking skills, help Apollo with finding new partnerships and join an enthusiastic committee? Contact our Commissioner of Internal Affairs through or fill in the interest form.

Is your company interested in a partnership with Apollo Wageningen? You can also contact our Commissioner of External Affairs through

First Years Committee

The First Year Committee is made up of first-year bachelor students who plan fun events and activities just for other first-year students. They organize things like playing flunkyball and making sushi, to help everyone get to know each other and enjoy university life together. Their aim is to create a welcoming atmosphere and make the first year of university as exciting and enjoyable as possible for everyone new to the experience. The FYC also organizes a first years weekend, at the beginning of the year.


The Mastercie is a group of Master students who organize enjoyable events and activities specifically for master’s students. They plan various events that cater to the interests of those pursuing a master’s degree. The aim is to create a welcoming atmosphere and strengthen the connections among master’s students by arranging workshops, social gatherings, and other engaging activities.


The Galacie is a committee responsible for organizing the upcoming Gala event, which brings together students from various Leeuwenborch studies for a glamorous and celebratory evening. This team plans and manages all aspects of the Gala, from selecting the venue and theme to arranging entertainment and ensuring a memorable experience for everyone attending. Their goal is to create a fantastic and enjoyable event that allows students to socialize, unwind, and celebrate together in style.